Largest collection of carving Artists

Welcome to the largest collection of carving Artists
'Carving their Dreams'

We are a group of Carvers, whose passion is carving.
Please visit each carver's gallery by clicking on the image. If you are an advanced, professional or master carver and would like to start a retail gallery

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Moose antler table and chairs and light (part 1)
Offered here is a complete 6 chair and dinner table made ...
Redwood Dragon Head Cane
This is hand carved out of Redwood with green glass eyes.
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Retail Galleries (Stone Carvers)

Michael Miller
Updated On: May 08, 2014
Total items: 14
Michael Miller has always enjoyedlapidary, rock collecting and fossils.His work...
Duffy Snow
Updated On: Sep 08, 2013
Total items: 8
I started out walking the fields for artifacts with my dad. After fi...
Don Wilcox
Updated On: Nov 28, 2012
Total items: 9
My name is Don Wilcox. I consider myselfto be a primitive artist. My art themes...